Friday, October 17, 2008

OMGz, my family is teh awesomz

If you see any film coverage of the Obama rally in Roanoke, and you see a DASHINGLY HANDSOME boy who looks like he's probably from southern India standing behind Obama on stage, THAT'S MY BROTHER.

So. Cool. Oh Benjam, always out there, bein' the coolest.


Corelyn said...

So, I was unable to find your brother in any video or photos of the event. (hella lame). However, the search prompted about an hour's worth of browsing on flickr, and I just have to show you this:

which was one of three options that came up when I searched for "Coates Allen"

Corelyn said...

well shoot. my link didn't work. anyway, it was a funny picture of a very distressed rugby player, if you care to search yourself.