In today's installment of Things That Are Confusing To Me we find: a big hoo-hah and necessary apology by Michael Phelps for a bong picture.
I suppose to say I "don't get it" is simplistic. I get it: role models, illegal action, etc etc.
But...I don't really get it. I mean, okay, sure - be mad at him if we discover that, during the off season he is doing all sorts of crazy, illegal performance enhancing drugs. But - do these people realize what's going on here?
He's smoking. Smoking. The fastest swimmer in the world is still the fastest swimmer in the world even with potential smoke damage to his lungs.
You know why we should be pissed off: BECAUSE HE'S TOO GOOD. I can't swim that fast, and I'm not smoking - NO FAIR.
Call me when he apologizes for being an android. That, folks, is an apology I'll accept.
wouldn't it be "ole' red eyes" cause that's what happens when you smoke pot? or am I missing something? his feline sensibilities perhaps?
Well, I thought about that confusion when I originally posted but, here's the catch: the yellow eyes refer not to his pot-smoking, but to his potential andriod-ness.
Yes, in fact "Ole' Yellow Eyes Is Back" is the title of Brent Spiner's album of Frank Sinatra hits. Brent Spiner, for the record, played Data - the android on Star Trek: The Next Generation, a character physically notable for his pale skin and (wait for it) yellow eyes.
Also, Mr. Phlegm, who are you? I'm always fascinated when people find Ye Olde Blog posts, and wonder if we know one another or if you're just blog savvy!
bad influence on kids = away with ad promotions...... i feel like the hoo ha is more about fudging than anything
but also he wasn't be very careful about it, yeah?
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